Legislative Days 39 and 40 (of 40)

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Legislative Days 39 and 40 (of 40)

Legislative Days 39 and 40 (of 40)

Just over a week ago, the Georgia General Assembly adjourned Sine Die, marking the end of the legislative session.  This year also marks the end of legislators’ two-year term of office.  As expected, there was a flurry of activity on those two days, with bills passing like ping pong balls between the two chambers, looking for agreement between the House and Senate.  All bills that passed both chambers will now be sent to the Governor for consideration.  The Governor has 40 days to act upon all legislation.
Over the past two sessions, we tracked 99 pieces of legislation for you.  Like the opening line of  A Tale of Two Cities, ‘it was the best of times, it was the worst of times”.  Overall, we can be very proud of our work and what was accomplished this year.  We will be working diligently during the Governor’s signing period and will report back as necessary.
PA Priority 
HB 557, passed earlier in the session.  This bill streamlines the job description processes at the composite medical board.  Additionally, the bill allows PAs and APRNs to prescribe to adult patients a 5-day supply of oxycodone and hydrocodone products in emergencies.  Finally, the bill allows PAs and APRNs to sign for disability parking placards.
HB 1046 passed during the final week of session.  This bill:
1.  Allows PAs to sign death certificates
2.  Provides certain immunity from liability for all providers who sign death certificates
3.  Allows a physician to work with a ‘combined equivalent’ of eight PAs and/or APRNs.
Both of these priority bills are under consideration by the Governor’s office.
General Health
HB 663 requires hospitals and nursing homes to allow for certain visitation.  This bill was introduced as a consequence of the no visitation policies many facilities had during the early days of covid. The bill passed in final form.
HB 384 requires insurers to provide information to male insureds annually regarding prostate antigen tests.  This bill passed in final form.
HR 1360 creates a special summer/fall study committee to look at prescribing alternatives to opioids.
Immediately upon conclusion of the legislative session, election/ campaign season officially begins.  Given sitting legislators are prohibited from raising funds during the session, we can expect (and have already seen)  many notices of campaign events in the next few weeks.  Important election dates to be aware of include:
  • May 21, 2024 Primary Election
  • June 18, 2024 Primary runoff election if needed
  • November 5, 2024 General Election
  • December 3, 2024 General Election runoff if needed
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